All after school activities, including department nights and basketball practices are cancelled for tonight due to the weather. The wrestling match is still on.

The Student Council had informed me that the December 13th dance is a Holiday theme dance and the February 28th dance will be the semi-formal.

December 13th dance is 6:00-8:00 and it is a semi-formal. Jeans are not allowed. Boys are recommended to wear ties, but it is not required and giris' dresses must be school appropriate.

There will be no department night on 11/26.

Friday's dance is 6:00-8:00

Our Fall Dance will be October 25th, 6:00-8:00.

Our administrative team hopes everyone is enjoying their summer. We want to let all of our incoming 6th graders and new students know early that we will have our 6th Grade/New Students Orientation Night on August 22 at 5:00. We will have food trucks and Mr. Goss will address the crowd at 6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you.

January 12--6:00-8:00

Wednesday, December 13th is "Wacky Wednesday"
The theme is Favorite Sports Team--wear something representing your favorite sports team. Hats will be allowed.

Dance time Friday is 6:30-8:30

Dance time chage--6:30-8:30

Holiday Dance
December 1st--6:00-8:00 pm

We will be wearing blue on November 14th in support of National Diabetes Awareness Day.

"Wacky Wednesday" November 8th = Pajama Day
Pajamas must be school appropriate

Winter Dance--December 1st, 6:00-8:00
Social Suspension will be in place

Happy Halloween. Be safe while trick or treating.

I have been working with the Student Council on getting some monthly theme days to increase school spirit. The first one they requested is a pajama day. I decided we can one per month on the second Wednesday of the month and we will call it “Wacky Wednesday”. The December theme will be “Favorite Sports Team”.
Pajama Day–November 8th
No slippers, pajamas must be school appropriate
Favorite Sports Team Day–December 13th

Yesterday I met with the Student Council and they made their case to allow students to wear costumes on Halloween. They presented guidelines that need to be followed and made a good case. We don’t do very many things for school spirit and I think the students will enjoy this opportunity. I got into this business to work with kids and see them happy. We will allow students to wear costumes with the following guidelines:
No masks
No face paint
No blow up costumes
No props
No weapons
Costume must be school appropriate

Halloween--No costumes are allowed at school on Halloween

Red Ribbon Week
October 24-27
Oct. 24–”Hat Day”
Be King to Your Mind
Oct. 25–”Red Out Day”
Wear red and sing the school
Wide pledge to life a drug free lifestyle
Oct. 26–Red Ribbon Scavenger Hunt!
Oct. 27th– PINK OUT DAY
Wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness