Office of the Principal
Warwick Veterans Memorial Middle School is located on West Shore Road serving approximately 1150 students. Students are coming to us from Norwood, Oakland Beach, Holliman, Wyman, Hoxie, Warwick Neck, and Sherman elementary schools. We have a faculty of approximately 125 teachers who are dedicated to providing a rigorous learning environment in order to get the best out of every student. As your principal, my number one goal is to provide a safe learning environment for both students and staff, so the focus can be on teaching and learning.
Warwick Vets offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities and clubs for our students. We want to be able to have our students transition from the elementary school to a more independent middle school environment and at the same time, prepare them for the demands of high school.
If you ever need to reach a teacher, you can find their contact information on our website. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have any questions.
Have Respect. Get Respect.
Your Principal,
Jeff Goss