Family Portal

Accessing the WPS Family Portal

For 2016-17 the Family Portal is being used to share, attendance, courses, schedules, and for the first time grades! We’re excited about this and look forward to families having access to more student records than ever.

PLEASE EMAIL to request your password. Every family has a unique password that you need to get from the main office. Thank you and sorry for the confusion. Please be patient as we have many emails to respond to.

How to access your Family Portal Account

Step 1: Go to and select Calendars/Links (top right), then select “Aspen SIS Login” from the list in the center of page.

Obtain Passwords:  You’ll need to email your school’s family portal address to retrieve your temporary password. We can only accept email requests for passwords!

Send password requests to: (schoolname)


You will receive a response back within a week with your Login ID and temporary password.

Step 2: Log into your family account

Usernames: Family accounts all begin with “fam” and are based on the primary parent or guardian’s first initial and last name, not the student’s.  Your family user name comes from the first contact name entered on your student’s registration form.  In some cases this may result in duplicate login names. If you are unsure of or have difficulty with your Login ID, please email your student’s school for clarification.

example:  Mother or Guardian’s name, Dianne Silvia = fam-dsilvia
John O’Brien = fam-jobrien
Dianne Silvia-Jones = fam-dsilviajones

Log in with your username and the temporary password you received from Step 2.  For your security, you will then be asked to create a permanent password with these requirements:

  • Minimum length is 6 characters

  • At least one uppercase letter and one number or symbol

  • Cannot contain ‘password’, login name, first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, personal id, or only sequential letters or numbers

Step 3: Security Preferences Update (one-time only at first login, returning users may have already done this)

To complete your account setup for system security, please enable the I forgot my password feature on the main login screen by following these steps:

  1. Type in your primary e-mail address.  (the e-mail address is case sensitive)

  2. Click the dropdown to choose a security question

  3. Type the answer to the question twice.  (the answer is case sensitive, type the same way twice)

  4. Click Submit

Security Preferences

Getting support

For help with your Family Portal account please email:



Forgot your password? Click “I forgot my password” in the login screen to receive a new password via email.

Be careful! If you enter the wrong password 5 times the account will be locked and WPS Technology staff will have to unlock it for you.